Zach Klein

Zach Klein is an occupational therapist from White Plains, NY. He is currently employed in Colorado at a school district, a home therapy agency, as well a mountain guide at (@vetxtherapy) a local nonprofit that engages veterans with the outdoors and one another. Klein is one of ROMP’s 2024 Ambassador team and plans on using his passions and experiences to elevate the idea that exercise and movement should be an accessible activity of daily living (ADL) for all.
Apart from being a ROMP ambassador, Klein enjoys adventuring with friends and his adventure cat named Camp.
His ‘Why': I believe movement and exercise are a human right and the means to access them should be covered by health insurances. The power of overcoming adversity is both beautiful and contagious and ROMP has harnessed that power and used it to create tangible care and advocacy for underserved communities around the globe.
Favorite ROMP Moment: My favorite ROMP memory is sharing a secret handshake with recent ROMP prothesis recipient and future Paralympian, Jahir, at the summit of Cotopaxi in 2022. I couldn't speak Spanish, let alone breathe, but when we spotted one another by the crater, we jumped into our high five and held it.
Our Impact Since 2005
Prosthetic Devices Delivered
% increase in walking ability from delivery to 3 month follow up
Patient Visits
% of ROMP patients are working at the 12 month follow up
Years Breaking Barriers
% of patients reporting living below poverty line of $6.85/day