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About Us

Mission & Vision

ROMP's Mission

is to ensure access to high-quality prosthetic care for underserved people, improving their mobility and independence.

ROMP Defines Mobility As:

  • Essential - mobility is a human right.
  • Multifaceted - the prosthesis alone is not enough.
  • Community-based - services work best where patients live.
  • Physical mobility - the way we move is an expression of our humanity.
  • Mental mobility - to overcome the limitations of our bodies, we must overcome the limitations of our minds.
  • Economic mobility - becoming more economically stable.
  • Social mobility - growing within family and community.

We Exist

because 90% of people worldwide who need access to assistive technology, including prosthetic devices, cannot access it. Even fewer receive quality, comprehensive, long-term care, and support. (Assistive Technology World Health Organization and Prosthesis Product Narrative - ATScale)

We Believe

that access to mobility is a human right regardless of financial well-being, race, gender, orientation, or any other common barrier to care. ROMP believes in equal access to prosthetic services that facilitate independence through mobility. We recognize the dual hardships of living in poverty with a disability, and stand in solidarity with those who suffer from an unequal distribution of care. We understand that disability is caused by broken devices and broken healthcare systems – not broken bodies – and we work to increase the mobility, visibility, and dignity of all those marginalized by lack of access to rehabilitative technology.

We Envision

A world where every person with limb loss has mobility. 



Our Impact Since 2005

  • Prosthetic Devices Delivered


  • % increase in walking ability from delivery to 3 month follow up


  • Patient Visits


  • % of ROMP patients are working at the 12 month follow up


  • Years Breaking Barriers


  • % of patients reporting living below poverty line of $6.85/day
