Steve Crawford

Stevie Crawford is a bartender originally fr m Nashville TN. He is training and getting ready for the 2026 Winter Paralympics to compete in Boarder Ross and banked slalom. Crawford is one of ROMP’s 2024 ambassador team and plans on using passion and experience to raise awareness of ROMP and share what they are doing to make a bigger impact.
Apart from being a ROMP ambassador, Stevie snowboards, rock climbs, train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, & enjoys all things that get the adrenaline going.
His 'Why': What made me get involved with ROMP was seeing what they were doing for people and giving them the gift/right of mobility back. I was also drawn in seeing by so many adaptive athletes being brought together with an amazing purpose and pushing each other to summit this huge volcanoes. The community that ROMP has created is such a beautiful network of people who love helping others!
Favorite ROMP Moment: My favorite ROMP moment was being able to see people on the clinic in Quito trying their new prosthetic devices & summiting Cayambe with the team in 2023.
Our Impact Since 2005
Prosthetic Devices Delivered
% increase in walking ability from delivery to 3 month follow up
Patient Visits
% of ROMP patients are working at the 12 month follow up
Years Breaking Barriers
% of patients reporting living below poverty line of $6.85/day